Hoop & Seek - Ruby - 2203
Saturday March 22nd - 1pm
Available spots
Service Description
Hoop 'n' Seek Trial - Ruby Level There will be 2 searches and 2 hoopers courses per entry. Odour Gun Oil. Search 1 - Interior or Exterior search Search 2 - Selection search Hoops 1 - Mixed course Hoops 2 - Mixed course Entries are £30 per dog, max 2 dogs per handler due to the Search element. Judging starts 13:00, show open from 12:00. Running orders will be available on the day, and you will compete in either the hoop element, or the seek element first, depending on the draw. This means that both event types will be running at the same time.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
The fees of £30 is per dog and is for all 4 elements of the game. Each element is not available to book separately. Refunds are not given for non participation in an element. Refunds are not permitted. You can, with the organiser's permission, sell your space. In the event a show is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances i.e. extreme weather conditions, Super Hoopers/Super Sniffers will issue a full refund, less any reasonably incurred expenses.
Contact Details
+ 07916301364
Bideford, UK